Everyday just flies by! Hope you enjoy some highlights...

Friday, April 25, 2008

Lightning...Very Very Frightening

Monday night a huge storm rolled across the DFW area (aka Dallas Forth Worth...for all ya'll Californians). It didn't look to bad in our area, it was pretty much south of of us...Then the blog story begins...

Now I have never seen such crazy weather in all my life as I have here in Texas. No One has a clue what it is like until you experience the roar, POURing rain, and the lighted up sky. The first storm we had when we moved out here, I pee'ed my pants. The thunder was incredible, never heard of such a sound. My mom went into her closet, she just knew a tornado was coming.

Well since the first storm we got us a weather radio, Josh has become a Meteorologist and we are "starting" to feel more comfortable with the storms. Its actual has become amazing to see and hear...BUT Monday night we went to sleep about 10:45..about 11:15 we hear the LOUDEST bomb EVER!! Our house got struck my lightning!

Here is the stuff it fried...all the night lights plug in, baby monitor,DSL modem, my cool clock that projects the time on the ceiling, a GFI was blown:which Josh has to replace several outlets in the kitchen and downstairs bathroom, our garage door opener, and our Direct TV receivers blew!!

CRAZY! I'm sooo Thankful God directed the bolt to the ground and that our kiddo's are safe...they didn't even wake up!!

WOW! Huh?!


Teresa said...

Are you serious?!! I know EXACTLY which thunderbolt you are referring to! I was sitting at the computer typing away and suddenly there was a flash of lightening and immediately a huge clap of thunder. It was SO loud and sounded SO close. My adrenalin immediately started flowing and I got a little freaked out. I don't get afraid much from thunderstorms (probably has something to do with doing lots of my growing up in Texas!), but that one really scared me! I jumped up and ran to the back room afraid to come back out to the living room! I thought it hit our front yard or something and was afraid more were going to keep hitting close by. But, luckily, no, our yard is fine. It was just your house...HAHA! Glad you guys are okay! Lightening can be pretty scary.

Karen Frank said...

Crazy weather! We had alot of the loud thhunder and lightening lighting up the skies! Amazing our kids slept through it all! Let us know when you guys decide to put in a shelter...we'll come help you dig! Glad you guys are ok!

amelia said...

Dude--That is CRAZY!!!!!

I am glad you are okay. I guess you will be checking into that storm shelter again? :)