Everyday just flies by! Hope you enjoy some highlights...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

6 months

Well he is a healthy boy...19lb 7oz and 27 1/4 long...Doctor said he is doing well. He started to Army crawl in the 5th month, now he can get ANYWHERE he wants. He got his first tooth on Easter, the second came 2 days later. He gets up on his knees, "crawls" backwords. When he trys to go forward, its like he jumps on his knees, then falls down because he doesnt know what to do with his hands. Two days a go he pulled himself up! It's all that army crawling, got him some big guns! He is growing waaaaaaaaaaaaay to fast!!!!!

Sometimes he turns his head sideways and looks at things, too cute. He gots some man boobs in this picture!

1 comment:

Karen Frank said...

6 months arleady? Where has the time gone?