Everyday just flies by! Hope you enjoy some highlights...

Friday, March 21, 2008

Time Flies

Wow time is just flying by! Yesterday Luke turned 6 months, Something inside of him clicked, now he can set up for long periods of time and roll over both ways! I have several pictures to post , just need to recharge the batteries so stay tuned...

Melody has always had a very large vocabulary, and sometimes the things she says just blows me away. I always forget the stuff she says but here are some recent comments in blue.

* Mom Jesus needs a hair cut.

*"Melody please make your bed" Actually that is a good idea, I'll be right back.

*Melody asked me to sing a song before I left her room, I said what should I sing about. Sing a song about the heart land, sing a song about my life. (This is a country song I have no idea she even knew.

*We were getting her PJ's on and I said Stand Up...she said Stand Up, Stand Up for the kick off. (Waaay too much football!)

more too come I think I hear the kiddo's up from nap...gotta go


Leah said...

Very Very Cute!

Teresa said...

She is way too funny! I love the things she says. The one thing that Emma says that always makes me laugh is when I say something and she responds, "Yes, sir." No idea why! I keep meaning to write that on my blog and keep forgetting...at least I've written it on yours;-)